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Playfair Consultancy Group offers consulting, marketing, and advisory services to a wide variety of clients across different  industries and regions. Equipped with specialised knowledge of the local, national, and international business community, our team is able to meet a diverse range of project briefs. We build strong client relationships and engage with all stakeholders to produce universally beneficial output and supply desired results, clearly recording and communicating all progress throughout each project.



Helping organisations achieve their goals by providing advice and guidance on decision making, problem solving, and implementation planning.


Combining social media and marketing expertise to help businesses effectively reach and engage with their target audience.


We run two project cycles annually, each lasting about 10 weeks. Our first cycle runs from February through April, and the second runs from September through November. Clients must typically be confirmed at least one month in advance of the intended start date.


Project Brief

& Introduction


Prior to the project's start date, our Client Relations team will confirm a suitable task brief with the client to ensure that all deliverables will be met at the end of the project cycle. After necessary details are finalised, the client will be assigned their project team leader, and a formal introductory meeting will be held to kick-off the project. 

WEEK 5/6

Mid-Term Review

Your project's team leader will arrange a mid-term review meeting to give the client an opportunity to discuss the team's work thus far. At this time, the client may raise any concerns, comments, or questions with the team before they begin to synthesise and evaluate their research. 


Final Report

A comprehensive report documenting the team's research, results, and analysis will be due in the penultimate week of the project and will be given to the client during the final presentation the following week. Each report is meticulously reviewed to ensure it meets our guaranteed high standards. 


Final Presentation & Feedback

Clients and any of their invited stakeholders will be given a final report and presentation that responds to all points stated in the task brief from Week 1. Following the conclusion of the project, we encourage open communication and continued contact with the client as they implement any proposed changes and can provide any feedback to our team.

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